About SFW

Derrick Coyle

Derrick Coyle

SilverFoxWise is the product of a longtime interest in writing and some practical exposure to it along the way. Interest met opportunity in the late-seventies when I was “hired” as Sports Editor and scribe for my employer’s quarterly news publication. I also spent several decades in a career that involved on-the-job business writing and I scripted a number of speeches for occasions and life events of family and friends.

Through the years, I’ve enjoyed the process of putting thoughts to paper and have attempted to do it in a thoughtful and engaging way. Having achieved a reasonable return in positive feedback, it seemed a relatively safe assumption that I’ve developed at least a passable level of competence.

My retirement in June 2013 – after 35 years employed with a general insurance company presented me with an opportunity to explore this interest further—at least for recreational purposes and perhaps an eventual foray into the literary marketplace.

In the process of considering what the focus of this blog should be, I concluded I really had no “specialty” area that would generate a meaningful volume of material. Instead, I recognized I am a member of a very large group of baby boomers navigating its way through middle age. There was clearly a much broader base of common ground for a generation of men and women travelling down the same demographic road.

It’s on that premise that I plan to populate categories shown in the banner of this blog with stories and reports of personal experience and observation. I’ll cover topics and events related to the opportunities, challenges and realities of our generation. I hope you will find posts that are relevant, entertaining and informative. I’d also love to hear your comments and your own experiences with the various topics.

Special thanks to my wife, Sue, my biggest fan in this pursuit and an unwavering supporter of the interesting little idea to retire at age 55 and trade in a full-time management position for an entry-level creative interest. To my daughters, Sara and Erin (designer of the SFW logo) who make me immeasurably proud and keep me motivated. And to my older brother, Jim, the real writer in the family and the inspiration semi-responsible for this writing interest of mine.


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