Travel 2014

If variety is the spice of life, the travel destinations peppering the menu for 2014 would seem to provide a level of appeal to a medley of palates. Some of the venues from which you can look forward to posts and pictures this year:

Grand Cayman Island:

GrandCayman2I’ve been fortunate to have enjoyed a number of winter escapes over the years: Florida, Bahamas, Myrtle Beach, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, and a Caribbean Cruise – with ports in St. Thomas, Nassau, St. Martin. Many of those trips involved all-inclusive packages – a fleeting respite from routine, and an indulgence in the slightly guilty and entirely unsustainable world of the mollycoddled. In January, a new experience is in store, with a beach house rental for a party of seven. Based on feedback from some who have been, Seven Mile Beach, on Grand Cayman Island, should be a wonderful experience. It will be interesting to contrast a fend-for-yourself arrangement, with the pampered all-inclusive.

Whitehorse, Yukon Territory:

Val Sledding2

Valerie Cole – Master Musher

While conceivably still radiating a warmth from swimsuit-clad walks along the sands and surf of The Cayman’s, February will summon a repacking of the travel bag. This time, with multiple layers of synthetic armour culled from the winter closet. And then – after a dozen hours and a few flight switches – Air Canada will deliver me to the crisp beauty of the Canadian North to experience – with resident friends – the 50th anniversary of the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Festival.

Among the festivities and competitions: axe throwing, dogsledding, flour packing, and chainsaw chucking. There will also be: Sourdough Sam competitions, the crowning of the Festival Queen and performances by Snow Shoe Shufflers and Can Can Dancers.

The annual re-emergence of hearty souls – as a Yukon winter hints at retreat from the harsh extremes of dark and cold – provides for a memorable Rendezvous reunion and celebration of community. The 50th anniversary edition promises to be something very special.

Scotland & Ireland:

Scotland1As a proud product of an Irish father and Scottish mother, I’m thrilled that travel 2014 will also include a summer visit back to the roots. My parents emigrated from their respective homelands in their late teens, and in my mother’s case, left a large family behind. Beyond my immediate family, all blood relatives reside in Scotland. Through the connectivity of social media, communication is made easy and renewed bonds possible. My late grandparents and a few aunts, uncles, and cousins, have visited Canada intermittently. But I’ve not been over the pond for more than 40 years. It will be the first visit to Ireland for me and my wife’s first trip to both locations. I expect a few good tales and a lot of scenic photographs from the visit.


With the start of the new year, I’d like to thank frequent and occasional followers of Silver Fox Wise for hanging in with me as I dabbled in the adventure of weekly postings through the final months of 2013. I’ve enjoyed the process and the practice of writing in this new phase called retirement – and I hope to continue in the same vein in 2014.

My best wishes to you and your families for a happy and healthy 2014.


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