It’s going to be a long four years.
The dust of the American presidential election has barely settled and already the old new-old oval office occupant is causing a stir. With the rapid-fire action of an AR-15 and the subtlety of a stubby-tipped Sharpie, Trump signed 100 or so executive orders, largely to satisfy personal objectives, vindictive and retributory.
But this is not a post to highlight the consequences Americans (and the planet at large) will have to endure for the next four years. Our U.S. neighbours got precisely what they voted for and the repercussions are theirs to bear. Those of us witnessing it with bewilderment, from this side of the border, can only brace for the imminent collateral damage.
The Trouble With Tariffs
What has both our Canadian leaders and our manufacturers and producers of products exported to the U.S. most concerned, is Trump’s blusterous threats to impose 25% tariffs on incoming goods. There is of course no economic logic found in placing tariffs on a high-volume, friendly trading partner when producers and consumers on both sides enjoy the price benefits of free trade. The clear downside is that the buying customers and sellers in both countries will ultimately carry the burden of price increases from a tariff war.
But this is not a post to argue first-year economics principles.
Hold the Annexation
The other piece of Trump’s buffoonery in recent days is his persistent rhetoric about making Canada the ’51st state.’ It’s as if he thinks we see an upside in joining a democracy in peril, a system of political and judicial dysfunction and a nation where thoughts and prayers are deemed the best remedy for the carnage and heartbreak of near daily mass-shootings. And for the love of God, will both sides in the U.S. political quagmire stop with the ‘we live in the greatest country in the world’ claim. You don’t.
But this is not a post about our cross-border, bully-neighbour’s social and political shortcomings.
All We Are Saying Is Give Peace a Chance
When pressed by a reporter recently as to whether he would consider ‘military force’ in his quest to make Canada part of the red, white and blue, Trump conceded he would not. But he did claim he would apply ‘economic force.’ After all, why go to war when a little extortion will get the job done?
Two can play at that game. A dollar-for-dollar response, levying our own tariffs, may serve as a deterrent, but if Trump proceeds anyway, it just compounds the problem for Canadian businesses and consumers.
Fortunately, there’s a much better idea. A surgical strike of sorts. The time has come for Canadians to step up and launch a retaliatory attack against American aggression. This is war! … sorry.
Okay, Boomers
Now, I’m not proposing we draft our young snipers into battle to pelt the American front lines with snowballs and slapshots. This is a call to action of a different sort. A made-in-Canada brand of economic warfare.
Who better to deliver a pummeling of epic proportions than snowbirds. In fairness to Canadian legend, Anne Murray, she probably had no idea Trump would be running the country when she joyfully urged the little snowbird to take her with it when it went.
What I’m proposing is a full-fledged U.S. travel boycott for the year of 2026. No multi-month snowbird stays in Florida, no Canadian corporate retreats in Colorado or Las Vegas. Scrap the power-shopping trips to U.S. outlet malls. Nix the nipping across the border for a business lunch and a beer.
Before the (perhaps justifiable) chorus of ‘okay, Boomer’ from younger readers, consider for a moment the power the geriatric generation wields. Armed only with walkers, med dispensers and our cheque books, we are more than fit to deliver a crushing economic gut-punch ‘the likes of which nobody’s ever seen before.’
According to some estimates, Canadian snowbirds pour well over US$1 billion annually into each of the economies of Florida, Arizona and California. I can personally attest to just how much a couple of snowbirds can spend on things like accommodation, groceries, dining out, adult beverages, gas and golf.
It’s the Power of Money
If there’s one thing the incoming potus seems to understand, it’s the power of a buck. Once the affected states start making noise about the ‘billions and billions’ of lost revenue in the absence of boycotting Canadian snowbirds, Trump will know the true meaning of ‘economic force.’
Why 2026? Like many Canadians, I committed to a 2025 winter getaway long before the vile, twice-impeached, convicted felon was deemed the best bet by the U.S. electorate. Furthermore, a year into the mandate, the president will have to own it (or blame Hunter Biden).
There are some caveats. For example, Canadians owning properties in the States could be forgiven for not joining such a boycott. They’re simply in too deep. But the vast majority of revenue comes from people like me. Those racking up five-figure bills in American accommodation costs and another five figures for everything else.
A Road Less Travelled
So what do we do instead? Take the money saved by not spending $1.40+ for each U.S. dollar and travel Canada in the winter. Or wait it out and enjoy this country’s vast beauty in the summer months. Stay home and make the best of the winter with activities like skiing, snowshoeing, curling or a little pickup hockey, just like the old days. If we do need a taste of warmth, choose a couple weeks on a Caribbean island, Mexico or opt for the temperate climates of a European destination. Or just spend it on something else, made in Canada.
Welcome to The Resistance
I enthusiastically invite you to spread the plan and join us in our 2026 U.S. boycott. But, whether it turns out enough like-minded Canadians unite to make a meaningful economic difference, or this winds up as one couple’s small part to take a stand for Canada, it’s on, eh!
I’m Derrick Coyle, proud husband, father and grandad, happily retired in London, Ontario after a satisfying career in the world of insurance. SilverFoxWise is a personal blog created to scratch a creative itch and indulge a boomer’s cathartic journey of musings and perspectives. Thanks for taking the time to read.
It’s on…we’re in!
Happy to have you with us in ’26, Gagnons!
We nixed our 2025 winter Florida condo booking before the fascist’s inauguration and refuse to support their economy until he’s out of office. Will be spreading our tourist dollars across Portugal & Spain instead. Canadians need a united stance in the face of economic & political aggression… history has shown appeasement doesn’t work.
Brilliant plan, Martha. Totally agree with you. We’re locked in this year so we’ll just have to hold our nose and settle on a more palatable alternative next year.
Very well written. We don’t have any plans to travel but support your idea 100%. Will pass the blog on to people I know who like to travel to the US.
Nice to hear from you, Denise and thanks very much for taking the time to read and share!